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Abdul Najib Azhfar Aini
+60 (0)13 801 0645 | abdulnajibazhfar@yahoo.com
BSc Biotechnology
Sarawak, Malaysia
Communications Officer & Researcher - Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Work primarily focuses on the education and engagement aspect of conservation.
Abe Woo Sau Pinn
+60 (0)11 514 0930 | abe_woo@hotmail.com
PhD (Natural History Sciences)
Penang, Malaysia
Research interest: systematics, taxonomy, phylogenetic, and biodiversity of marine invertebrates with a special interest in Echinoderms
Aileen Tan Shau Hwai
PhD (Marine Biology), Dato
Penang, Malaysia
Malacologist (Mollusc Specialist) | Director - Centre for Marine & Coastal Studies (CEMACS) | Professor (USM)
Research interest: diverse marine invertebrates with a special interest in molluscs
Annette Jaya Ram
+60 (0)4 885 2750 | annettejr@usm.my
PhD (Aquatic Biology)
Penang, Malaysia
Researcher and Lecturer - CEMACS (USM)
Research interest: aquaculture, mariculture (crustacean)
Cedric Tan Kai Wei
PhD (Zoology)
Selangor, Malaysia
Conservation Educator | Assistant Professor (University of Nottingham)
Research interest: large carnivores (e.g. ocelots, clouded leopards) habitat use and the impact in utilizing innovative education (e.g. games) to alter civilian's attitudes and behavior towards conservation issues
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for whom I have the utmost respect.
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